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Traction Therapy for Cervical Radicular Syndrome is Statistically Sign…

페이지 정보

작성자자료 등록 : 관리자   조회조회 :1,801회 등록일 등록일   2019년 08월 14일 13:16분


Scientific Literature Overview
Traction Therapy for Cervical Radicular Syndrome is Statistically Significant but not Clinically
Relevant for Pain Relief. A Systematic Literature Review with Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential
Authors Colombo C, Salvioli S, Gianola S, Castellini G, Testa M.
Published J Clin Med. 22;9(11):3389
Date Oct 2020
Place of
Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics and MaternalInfantile Sciences, University of Genoa, Italy
Background Traction is a passive therapy modality that can be compared to a spontaneous
course (sham or no therapy), or to other passive or active interventions (e.g.,
exercise). To date, there have been no high-quality studies that have demonstrated
the spontaneous course of cervical radiculopathy.  Firstly, to assess the effectiveness
of traction therapy, it is important to confirm the superiority of traction against a
spontaneous course.
Objective We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of traction therapy in reducing pain by
performing a systematic review with meta-analysis. We also explore the best