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Shock-wave therapy improved outcome with plantar fasciitis: a meta-ana…

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작성자자료 등록 : 관리자   조회조회 :1,126회 등록일 등록일   2022년 05월 09일 21:39분


Scientific Literature Overview
RPW - Therapeutic
Shock-wave therapy improved outcome with plantar fasciitis: a meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials.
Authors Li H, Xiong Y, Zhou W, Liu Y, Liu J, Xue H, Hu L, Panayi AC, Mi B, Liu G.
Published Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2019 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print]
Date Aug 2019
Place of
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Background Shock-wave therapy (SWT) has been widely applied and proven to be an effective
treatment in ameliorating symptoms of plantar fasciitis (PF). Ultrasound therapy (UT)
is another common treatment of PF, and several researches have documented its
advantages when compared to corticosteroid injection. Despite this, few studies
have focused on comparing the use of SWT and UT in the treatment of PF.
Objective The purpose of this meta-analysis is to evaluate whether SWT is better than UT in
managing PF, both in terms of ameliorating pain and improving functionality.